Tri 2


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This week was pretty interesting. We only learned section 4.4 because it was a pretty hard section but we did learn a lot of stuff. The problems we went over were mainly like real life problems that we might actually have to solve some day. I like these kind of problems because they make you think. I plan on being an engineer so the problems that talked about maximizing volume and stuff I will probably have to use at some point in my life. When I did the homework I understood probably just about half of the problems that were assigned. Obviously this is a bad thing but when we worked together in class it made it a lot easier for me. It helped to have input from people on spots where I had gotten stuck in problems. I like how we work together on problems because sometimes the best way to learn is to teach others. When I can teach things to my classmates it really helps me understand the concept. This week we almost had to find equations hidden in the problem and figure out how they related. Then we had to make the equations only have one variable. This made it possible to find the max or min of that variable. This wasn't too hard of a process I just had to make sure I had the equations right in the first place. I missed the quiz because of a business management field trip. It was a pretty fun field trip and I learned a lot. But now I'm going to have to retake the quiz with Kiegan. I'm feeling pretty confident about this quiz though. I really started to understand the material after we went over things in class. I kind of liked section 4.4. It was pretty fun.

Mr. Cresswell
12/12/2013 03:55:14 am

"This week we almost had to find equations hidden in the problem..."
This is so true! Isn't that one of the coolest things? The math exists outside of the real world (You've spent a lot of this year looking at math just by itself) and then BOOM, out of nowhere calculus pops up! Awesome.


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